Monday, January 31, 2022


Hi basketball Spotlight fans and welcome to another entry of Diary of a Baller. 
Monday, It's MLK day, I woke up and got some breakfast and just relaxed because we had a high school game against Nobles. We won the game by about 30 and I ended up with 12 points and about 7 rebounds and a couple assists. After the game we had pizza as a team. After that I went home and took a shower then as a team we played fortnite together. 

Tuesday, we didn't have school again today so I rested for most of the day. Did a lot of stretches and I iced my knees? It's important to recover so your body doesn't ache. 

Wednesday, today we were back in school so I woke up around 5:45 to start my daily school routine. Had classes then when we finished classes, we had a film session for my school team at 3:15 and after the film we had practice. We learned a lot from the past games that we played and what we could have done to play better as a team and also individually. We had practice from 3:45 to about 5:15. Went through our plays, we scrimmaged and got shots up to. When practice was done, I went home and finished my homework then had a workout with Brandon from 7:30 to 8:50 about. Great sweat in and just got up different types of shots. 

Thursday, more of the same day as Wednesday. Woke up at 5:45 and got on with my routine. Went to school and did my classes. After classes were done we had a team lift at 3:00 then after the team lift my dad picked me up and we headed off to Expressions practice. After X practice I came home and slept. 

Friday, same day as Wednesday, I woke up and did my routine then went to school. After school we had practice then after practice I went to Brandon and got some shots up. 

Saturday, another rest day because my body has been working so I just chilled at home and watched TV. 

Sunday, I woke up, had a lift at 9:00 with my dad and came home and just chilled for the rest of the day.