Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Diary Of A Baller: Judah Hidalgo (Pennsauken, NJ) Final Entry

What’s Up Basketball Spotlight World, 

I’m back for my last week on Diary of a Baller and I’ve had a great time doing this. It’s been a very fun trip but let’s get into this week. 

On Monday I was back in school and had a test so I needed to study. I did well but I two a couple days off from basketball so I can rest my body. 

On Tuesday I was done with school so I was planning to take a break these two days then get back on track, so I had relaxed and chilled for that day. 

On Wednesday after school was over, I went outside and I got some shots up. I got shots up and went for a run for three miles. I didn’t run in a while so I was a little bit tired but after that I went in my room and just started doing ball handling drills, I had found on Instagram. 

On Thursday I didn’t have school since it was Thanksgiving but I didn’t want to workout but I got it done. I just looked up some videos to watch and do some ball handling. 

On Friday I had off of school because of Thanksgiving so that day I went outside with my dad and my sister. My dad worked both of us out. 

On Saturday I had to finish my work for school and I went outside to workout. I did ball handling and a lot of three-point shooting. I then went into my weight room and did my arms and shoulders. Then after that I watched some of the fights that had happened that day. 

Sunday, I went into the weight room and did a chest and back workout. Then I worked on my core and did my homework before chilling for the rest of the day. But that’s it for me this week which was my last entry. 

I just want to thank the Basketball Spotlight community for giving me the opportunity to share my life. I had a great time and really enjoyed this new experience. That’s it for me, I’m out!!!