When the self proclaimed “Money Team” first came into existence there were many skeptics about how long it would last. Now after winning the AC Showcase CBC has positioned themselves as the top seed for the Grand Finale in June. Coach Hatctett feels that the Spotlight circuit is a great test for his team; “Basketball Spotlight has made us a stronger team by matching us up against the top teams in the region. We expect to be challenged and get better. I feel blessed that we were able to answer the call every time the challenge got greater”.
Well CBC is in and the only way they can loss the #1 seed is if they sit out the MDC and Milbank wins it all. Team Final, Team IZOD, Team Takeover and New Heights are battling for the two remaining spots. This should make things at the MDC very interesting to say the least.
13U AC Showcase All Tournament Team
Jaecee Martin (CBC)
Shyheim Hicks (CBC)
Azar Swain (CBC)
Chaylyn Martin (CBC)
Paul Persons (Milbank)
Tyrese Whitaker (Milbank)
Keshaun Ellis (Milbank)
Hayes Kecher (Milbank)
JP Sanders (Team Final)
Nick Alikasos (Team Final)
Quade Green (Team Final)
Nate Pierre Louis (Team IZOD)
Matthew Kachleries (Team IZOD)
David Kachleries (Team IZOD)
Chris Coalman (New Heights)
Donald Flores (New Heights)
Cameron Norman (6th Man)
Travis Cox (Black Mambas)