What’s up basketball world, I’m back with entry 32.
Tuesday after school my brother, mom, and I went to Red Robin restaurant to get some food. When we finished eating my mom dropped us off at the gym to work out with a few friends. After the workout my dad was angry because I was not talking enough on defense and going through the motions on my shot. He was so mad that he threw my phone out the window of his car into what he thought was all grass and made me go out and get it. It turns out it was not all grass and the phone hit a rock and broke. Luckily after my dad and I talked about what happened he felt bad about what he did and decided to by me a new phone. He said he should have never done such a thing and the only reason he got really irritated was that I was looking at my phone while he was talking to me. He said that he was wrong and bought the new Droid Razor Maxx for me. I love dad and his old school way and love my new Droid.
Wednesday was a half day because it was our last day of school before spring break. As soon as I got home I got dressed and went to the gym for about an hour and 30 minutes. While there, I mostly worked on moves to the basket and finishes at the rim. After I went home relaxed and played MW3 for a few hours.
Thursday I finally got my new phone at 3 and I have to say it is much better than my old one. It has 4G, the pictures are extremely clear, and the battery almost never runs out of charge. After I played around with the phone a little bit I had to go workout with Julian at the Club of Woodbridge. He really had me focus on my legs by doing a lot of different workout with lunges and squats.
Friday I went to work out at HoopsAmerica at 6. For the first 30 minutes we worked on making moves to the basket. After all we did was play games; one on ones, three on threes, and then ended it with a five on five game.
Saturday I woke up earlier than I’ve done all week because I had a scrimmage at Life Center. Our first game we played The old Rebels Team who is now Team Final Black. During the game we tried to expand the lead a couple of times but every time we went up by around 10 or 15 they would make a run and come back. We ended up winning the game by 8, 70-62, but we had multiple times to put them away. Our second game we played Hoop Heaven and won this game big 53-97. Even though we played better than the game before we still could have played better and had fewer turnovers.
After the games a few of my friends and I went to the bowling alley. Truthfully I was not even focusing on the bowling. Khalif was playing this basketball game in the arcade, the rest of the boys were killing the hot wings, and the girls were talking with each other. When our 2 hours at the bowling ally ran out we went back to my friend Josh’s house and hung out until my stepmom picked us up at eleven.
Sunday my dad and I went to the gym for an hour before he brought us to my mom’s house. As soon as I got to my mom’s place I fell asleep for a few hours. Before I sign out I would like to wish everybody a Happy Easter and I would like to say thank you to coach Brown for giving us the new gear for Team Final and my dad for my new phone
This is Tyus Battle signing out.