Basketball Spotlight 14U Midseason Report
After coming up short at the Tip Off Classic “The MOBB” rebounded to win the Clash For The Cup and the MIT. They should have the points to qualify for the Grand Finale final four but probably will be playing 15U in the spring. It will be interesting to see if they will travel up to play for the ultimate prize.

To go from nonexistent to making it to two Spotlight final fours is very impressive. Both times they were eliminated by a talented Team Scan. They currently have 6 Grand Finale points so that should be good enough for at least a 4th seed. I do believe a MDC showing will definitely help their chances.

TJ took home MVP honors for Funsport and for the Basketball Spotlight Tip Off Classic. His hot play has Team Scan the team to beat in the Northeast. Now he must stay persistent and keep the momentum going into the second half of the season. Hopefully we haven’t seen the last of the kid.

His ability should come as no surprise him being able to carry a start up Playaz team into relevance should be noted. He stepped his scoring up since coming over from the Gauchos but also still makes teammates better. If he gets a couple of championships under his belt he could really make a push for Player Of The Year. This race should be very interesting.
Temple Gibbs (Team Scan)
Devonte Green (Team Scan)
NyRhique Smith (Playaz)
Joe Hampton (DC Assault)
Alani Moore (DC Assault)
Grand Finale Final Four Predictions: DC Assault, Team Scan, Playaz, East Coast Elite