During the Tip Off Classic we noticed some unacceptable behavior from players, parents and coaches. In an effort to make sure we run respectable and safe events we have added a Code Of Conduct. Please look closely at these behavior rules we will follow during the Clash For The Cup.
1. Any player ejected for fighting or intentionally trying to hurt a player during a foul will be suspended for the duration of the tournament. This is subject to the discretion of the tournament director.
2. Any coach that is ejected for harassing the referees or score keepers will be asked to leave the building. If he or she refuses then their team will be forced to forfeit the game and may be suspended for the rest of tournament play.
3. Any parent that crosses the line of harassing the referees or scorekeepers will be asked to leave the facility and will not receive an entry fee refund. Refusing to leave the building will result into the matter being reported to the proper authorities.
4. Please keep the taunting to a minimum and let the players enjoy the experience on the floor. We understand everyone wants to be competitive but we must teach these youngsters good sportsmanship.