What’s up basketball world, it has been a long week for me personally.
Monday, I went to the gym to lift. While lifting my dad and I talked about what I can work on to help me get better. He said I really need to work on my defense, speed, strength, and mental toughness. Even though I have improved on these four things I still need to get much better at them. So now that is my goal for the year - to improve these areas before I graduate from middle school.
When I went to school the next day I received a 90 on my social studies quiz, which is good. When I got home I had a lot of homework to do so I didn’t get to go to the gym or anything, but I did watch the St. Patrick’s movie, “A Prayer for a Perfect Season”. I liked how you were able to really get to know the players and coaches on the team. I never realized how much they had to go through to get as far as they did.
Wednesday, I went to the gym at HoopsAmerica. I wasn’t able to get a really good workout because I could only stay for 20 minutes because I had to go to school practice. Within that 20-minutes I was able to get in most of my ball handling drills. At school practice coach Brian put in a few simple sets and defenses. We then worked on individual moves to the basket and we ended it off by playing 5 on 5, which we do every practice.
Friday, I had to take pictures for our yearbook so the night before I had to go out and find a dress shirt because all 8th graders had to wear a white dress shirt and a tie. When I got home I went straight to the PS3 to play Battlefield 3, which I have been playing a lot since I got it last week.
Saturday, I was supposed to go to a haunted hayride with some kids from my school, but since it started snowing we didn’t go. My mom then picked me up since my dad had to go to New Orleans for a business trip. I haven’t seen my mom in a while so my brother and I were excited to go to her house. She brought home a seafood platter from the restaurant where she works. We ate and then fell asleep while watching a few horror movies on AMC.
Monday is Halloween so I will make sure I tell you all about it. This is Tyus Battle signing off.