What’s up, basketball world? This week was busy, as usual, but it was fun because I managed to hang with friends and get a little bit of rest.
Monday was really good because I spent some quality time at home with my family. After I did my homework, I slept a few hours before dinner and Monday Night Football. I do not watch much football but my dad and my brother go out just about every week and throw the football up and down our lawn. It is one of my favorite things to do with them.
On Tuesday I had the Battlebasketball clinic at the Scotch Plains JCC. It was much easier this week because the kids listened and knew what to do the second time around. With the younger group we worked on basic moves like crossovers for layups, speed dribbles, power dribbles, and control dribbles. Then to end the night, we played a little knock-out and dribble knock- out. For the older group we also did a lot of ball handling, but since they are more advanced, we ran much more complicated drills like dribbling with two balls.
On Wednesday my dad and I went to the gym. We first lifted weights for about 30 minutes and did stairs and then the StairMaster for an hour. My dad does not like me to lift heavy weights, he says I am still young and growing so we lift very light and do a lot of reps. After we finished our strength workout we shot 300 jumpers, while reviewing individual moves. After 30 minutes we rush home for some late dinner.
Thursday I worked out at St. Joe’s and we shot a lot of jumpers from everywhere on the floor. In my opinion it’s always good to get up a lot of jump shots because it builds stamina and consistency. Following the shooting drills we went full court. I think I played well but a few of the high school kids seemed to pass the ball back and fourth to each other. So sometimes I can go through periods without touches. That’s when I focus on rebounding and working on the things I can control. I am really starting to get used to playing with older kids and its helpful because most of them are stronger, but I find myself to be quicker with the ball and more skilled.
I didn’t have school on Friday so I went to the mall with some of the kids from my school from 12pm to 4pm. I don’t really like spending my whole day at the mall, but I went anyway to get out of the house. When I go home from the mall I went on my Play Station 3 to play a little bit of Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops with some friends. I played for hours which is normally only allowed in my house on the weekends when everything else is done. Friday was a great day.
Saturday, I was supposed to go to the gym and workout with Vinney Darpina. My dad used to train him and now Vinney plays professional ball in Europe. He works me out when he is home. We did not know Coach Pete had a boot camp in the same gym so we both jumped into Coach Pete’s training instead. We ran about 25-30 sprints to get our conditioning up and worked on moves to the basket. Then I had a 5 hours break before Micah Lancaster clinic at 7pm and I have to say Mr. Lancaster has some of the best skill development drills I have ever seen or done. We worked on finishes at the basket and we did a lot of drills using a tennis ball. If you have never heard of Micah Lancaster you should look him up on Youtube because his drills will help to bring your game to the next level.
It is late and I need to get some rest. Quiz tomorrow on some vocabulary words in Religion. I am prepared so I should do well. Until next week. Peace!