Monday was an important day in school because we are getting towards the end of the year and we are studying for finals. I got real sleepy after taking lot of notes .However, after school I went to workout at St Bennies, it was great. Later that night I had a double session workout with my dad. Workouts are especially fun with him. When workout was over, I went upstairs and got ready for bed.
On Tuesday I had a great day in school. After school I went to my friend's house to play basketball before my dad came and picked me up to go to St .Bennies workout. After the workout, I started working on my project for school at home. Then I watched YouTube basketball highlights to study some new moves. Lol
The next day in school I received some of my test back. I did very well on all of them. In the afternoon my computer class was cancelled because we had to practice singing for our upcoming school concert (Boring). When school was over I went to workout and after workouts I went to get some sneakers.
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