Starting off the week in school, I received some exams back in Math class. I got 2 A pluses and a B. After school I played basketball in my school’s gym, after that my dad picked me up to go workout. After a 3 hr workout I went home and did my homework. Tuesday morning I got to school and had a Spanish test that I did well on, and then went to English class and I got an A on my test. After school I walked to my mom's store helped her out till my dad came and picked me up to workout, the workout was great! Later that night at 10 o’clock I went running, did push-ups and defensive slides.
Wednesday was a great day we didn't do a lot of work in school because we are getting ready some of the end of the year events. After school I stayed and did a little work on my Science fair project. Later, I went to workout and after that I finished my homework.
On Thursday we had gym in school and we were playing kickball, I was stuck on the girl’s team vs. the boys and we lost. After the kickball game my friends and I started playing H.O.R.S.E. After that I went with my mom and sister Lesha to get her new puppy it’s a Yorkie and her name is Ayva. I was playing with her all day.
Friday, school went well, after school I stayed and finished up my project. Then I went to my friend’s backyard and played basketball. When I got home I watched the NBA game and my teammate Trevor came over to stay the night at my house. Later I went running and did my push-ups.
Saturday, I woke up and headed over to Rebounds to play in The Hoop Group 15u Spring Fest Jam we played The Cougars 15u they are a team out of Pa. We played good and won by 24.I Scored 18. After that we played Shore Shots 15u we beat them by 6 it was a great game they were hitting a lot of 3's I finished with 19.
Sunday, I had a game at 2:50 against Team IZOD 15u in the semis I thought we should have won, at the end our defense stepped up and we made our last run. We Lost 73-67. I finished with 33 and a whole lot of shiny dimes. After I went home and watched the NBA games while doing my homework.
Shouts to my little cousin Nyrhique and his pops uncle T!