What's up everybody! It's the "Shoota" coming at you. My week at school was quiet. I'm looking forward to the upcoming Christmas break, hopefully I won't have any projects to do during the break, but if I do I plan to get them done early.
My week of basketball was relaxing after having played in the Spotlight Tournament over the weekend. During the tournament my knees starting bothering me, and having to play 3 games on Sunday didn't help. So Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I just had to rest my knees. Tuesday we had Team Final practice; it was just a walk through for me though.
Tuesday was a big day for me; I was allowed to get my first tattoo. My friend Darren went with me, I was a little nervous but I got it done. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. My tattoo says "God gave me talent as a Gift".
By Wednesday my knees felt a lot better, I wanted to get a workout in but my mom wouldn't let me. Thursday I had a school game, we won and we are still undefeated. I felt really good despite not playing for three days. I missed the gym and it felt good to go back to the gym on Friday and get a nice workout in.
Saturday was an easy day because our games in New York got canceled. I was ready to play but things changed so I just took my day off. I went out to the movies with a few friends later that night. As I was lying in bed that night I was really wishing I didn't take a day off because I knew it would hurt me the next day or two.
Sunday I went to church with my mom, and went to my grandmom's house after. It’s always good to go to church then go eat at grandmom's. I tried not to eat too much because I had another school game later in the day. We won again, and I had a chance to dunk but decided not to because my back was a little sore. Later that night I watched my Eagles beat the Cowboys, my Dad was real quiet during the game but he got loud when he thought the Cowboys had a chance...lol.
Next week I gotta get back to my daily workouts, gotta be ready for the upcoming Funsport League playoffs.
Catch you next week.....