Juwan Gooding is a bona fide scorer. The southpaw is capable of putting up serious numbers each time he touches the floor. From Boston to Florida he has been known to torch defenses. Recently we sat down with Juwan and here’s our One on One.
One On One
BS: What school do you attend?
JG: Pierce Middle School.
BS: Who’s your favorite player?
JG: Kevin Durant because he’s new on the scene and continues to get better and better.
BS: What’s the strongest part of your game?
JG: I would have to say my scoring.
BS: What part of your game needs the most work?
JG: I think finishing with my right hand.
BS: What do you think is your best game?
JG: I scored 45 points at Five Star Camp in the championship game.
BS: What’s your dream college?
JG: North Carolina, they had great players including Michael Jordan.
BS: What are your career goals?
JG: To play in the NBA or become a criminal investigator.
BS: Who’s the best player in the region?
JG: I feel that I am because I’m very experienced and have the body of work.
BS: What do you feel about the Basketball Spotlight events?
JG: You have to be focused because the competition is great.