What's happening everybody?,
My week was pretty laid back as far as basketball goes. I didn't have my usual workouts with Coach Vinny, and I spent most of the week helping my family move into a new house. I had to help unload the truck, unpack boxes, and move stuff around. That was tiring! Between that and school I felt busy. But I did get a chance to go to open gym at my middle school one day and to the outdoor courts across the street from my school on another day. Not too many days are going to go by without playing at all. It may not be a "workout" or anything, but playing with friends or my brothers, or in my driveway, or even in my house (which drives my mom crazy after awhile) I find a way to play.
The weekend was another story. I had an early morning workout with Coach Pete Marston. We worked on dribbling and shooting off the dribble and screens. I like Coach Pete's workouts because he brings out the best in me and inspires me to push myself even more. He says that the stuff he teaches us is not only used in games but also in life. I'm going to miss him coaching our team. After that we had breakfast then went to a NJ Got Game pre-practice. Our official first day of practice isn't until October 23rd, but we wanted to work on some things before our Zoo Crew game against West Ward. I'm excited for our first official practice. I think we are going to come out hard and set the tone for the year.
In our game against West Ward we played better than last week. We won the game and overall we felt good. We had a lot of fast break opportunities and played pretty solid defense. We had our teammates Owen and Marcus back with us for the first time and that was cool to play with them again. I tried to get all my teammates involved and get them going. I had about 7 pts. about 8 assists, and 3 steals. There are always things to get better at and this week I will be back in the gym working on them.
In school we got our district Math test results back and I got a 95%. I felt I deserved it because I had studied really hard. Now that it is October I've gotten used to the amount of school work and I'm getting better at managing my time. Progress reports come out soon. I'm not worried.
Check with you next week,
Otis "The General" Livingston, Jr.