Monday night we (Team Final) had a game. We lost by 5 we were down by 20 but we weren't organized. I played a factor in that lost by being late, which I would like to apologize to my coach and my teammates. Even though I had a long weekend that is no excuse I made a commitment. We played a team of seniors which made the comeback even harder. Tuesday was Team Final practice we started working on some new drills. Wednesday, I ran full up the recreation center for a couple of hours after school. Thursday, Team Final practice had me sweating like crazy as usual. Friday upper class went on a trip. Well they went on a trip because I already live in Philly.. lol. We went to the Wells Fargo Center where the Sixers and Flyers play and also the Lincoln Financial Field where the Eagles play. We went on tours and I had a lot of fun. The best part was it was dress down day!!! Friday night, I came back home took of my jeans and polo shirt, put on some basketball gear and grabbed my Gatorade for a 3 on 3 up the rec until the lights went out.
Saturday Team Final had practice after Team Final (Team Battle) tryouts. Yo, it was a lot of people like a basketball tournament. Later that day I went to the rec center until the sun went down before going to Tyheem's house. We got up Sunday about 7:30am to go workout with the ball handling and conditioning trainer Marty until 12pm. I like him he's good. After we took a nap I killed Tyheem in Madden 11 and 2k11. He don't want none of me in Halo Reach...
Til Next Week Stay Busy and Stay Tuned for more from Lamarr "Fresh" Kimble.