One On One
BS: What school do you attend?
TL: Fisher Middle School (Ewing, NJ).
BS: What NBA player do you most resemble?
TL: I would say Ray Allen because he can shoot or get to the basket.
BS: What’s the strongest part of your game?
TL: My shooting range and scoring.
BS: What part of your game needs the most work?
TL: Playing defense and working on getting stronger.
BS: What’s your dream college?
TL: Duke, I love the way Coach K coaches and their style of play.
BS: How was your experience at the Super Showcase?
TL: It was great because it had good competition. I learned some new moves and other things from some of the players.
BS: What’s your fondest Basketball Spotlight moment?
TL: This past Memorial Day Classic. I think I played very well. I scored a lot of points, had some assist, and played good defense.
BS: What do you like about Basketball Spotlight?
TL: I love it because it gives you a lot of exposure. It also shows you how to get better and what you need to work on.
BS: What are your career goals?
TL: I want to play in the NBA or go into the business world. I want to support my family.