One On One
BS: What school do you attend?
DL: Craigmont Middle School (Memphis, Tennessee).
BS: Who’s your favorite player?
DL: Tracy McGrady because he can play every position including the one or the two.
BS: Who’s the best player you ever faced?
DL: It has to be my brother Keelan Lawson.
BS: What’s the strongest part of your game?
DL: Rebounding and getting putbacks.
BS: What part of your game needs the most work?
DL: My footwork and speed.
BS: What is your dream college?
DL: Louisville, I like the way Coach Pitino motivates his players.
BS: Who’s your favorite rapper?
DL: Lil Wayne.
BS: What’s your fondest AAU memory?
DL: When we won the AAU Nationals at 10U.
BS: Who would you love to have dinner with?
DL: Tracy McGrady because he’s my favorite player.