One On One
BS: What school do you attend?
SW: Alcorn Middle School (Fairfield, SC).
BS: Who’s your favorite player?
SW: Lebron James, I like the way he plays and drives to the hole.
BS: What’s the strongest part of your game?
SW: Driving to the hole.
BS: What part of your game needs the most work?
SW: My defense.
BS: What’s your dream college?
SW: North Carolina because they have the best team.
BS: Who’s the best player you ever faced?
SW: Keenan Black (SC Ravens).
BS: If you could have dinner with one person who would you select?
SW: Dwight Howard, he seems like a funny guy.
BS: Who’s your favorite rapper?
SW: TI I like his style.
BS: How was your Basketball Spotlight experience?
SW: It was great because the competition was so good up there.