Hey world it’s your boy Champ coming to you with some events from my life. This week was my spring break. Also we played in the Big Shots tournament in Chantilly VA.
Spring break was a blast on Monday and Tuesday my brother James and I chilled at the house while my parents went to work. We had a great time going outside and doing drills and playing one on one’s. Wednesday was cool my Dad took me up to PA to participate in the Houp Group Jr Elite top 100 camp. It was fun getting an opportunity to mix it up with the top players from Philly and South Jersey. They gave an evaluation of my game at the end of the night that I thought was pretty cool. I have hung the evaluation on my door to remind of parts of my game that need improvement. Thursday was a rest day just relaxed all day.
Friday the fun really began as we headed out for Chantilly VA for our games. Knowing how business like these tourneys are we left Friday morning to head down for a day of relaxation with the whole family. My mom, brother, sister and my dad made the trip, which was great. We stayed at a four star hotel (I love hotels) we got in the Jacuzzi, we swam, got in the sauna, played ball on a lighted court, that hotel was the bomb.
Saturday it was back to business as we had two games scheduled that day. Coach Roach put us in the 15U bracket because he wants us to be ready to play High School next year. Our first game was against the Winchester Eagles 15U from W. VA. It was a hard fought battle that we pulled out the victory in 52-51. They were really physical and pushed us around a bit, but we overcame it for the victory. I had a tough game but that is why this is a team sport my boy Corey hot the game winner. Our second game Saturday was against Team Franchise 15U out of Rochester NY. They were really athletic and we needed everyone to play well that game and we did. We beat them 66-60, I played much better finishing the game with 15 pts and 3 rebounds.
Sunday we had a 9am quarterfinal game against VA Assault 15U. The game was close all the way until the end when they made a 12-0 to seal the victory for them 53-44. Losing is never fun but I felt good about our weekend. In this game I played well also finishing with 13pts, 4 assists, and 3 steals. But I was most impressed with the fact that I didn’t have any turnovers in this one.
Well that’s the week in the life of an 8th grade basketball player. Check back next week for news from how we do at the Pitt Jamfest.
Champ Out!!!!