The 13U Regional Rankings didn’t have much movement in the top but did get a new member. Here’s our 13U Regional Top 10. Please remember these rankings are only our opinion and should be taken as such.
Basketball Spotlight 13U Top 10 Presented By AGame Apparel
1. Team Final: TF played up in the AC Showcase and made it to the quarterfinals against a tough field. They also will be playing 14U this weekend at the AGame Super Shootout.
2. KYDA: The NJ State Champs have been on ice since winning the crown. Hopefully we will see them tangle with TF again before they head to Memphis.
3. The City: The City won the AC Showcase and seems to keep switching spots with the Choz. They are the favorites to win the 13U title this weekend at the AGame Super Shootout. The Metropolitan Regionals should be very interesting.
4. Gauchos: The Choz got knocked out of the AC Showcase by the uprising Linden Ballers. They are still a quality squad and still have a great chance to move up.
5. Philly Aztecs: Welcome to the Top 5 PA, you earned it. The Aztecs made it to the final four of the AC Showcase before losing to eventual champ The City. Keep an eye on them this weekend at the AGame Super Shootout.
6. Team Takeover: TT will be making their Spotlight debut at the MDC. They are hungry for some NJ bump and should receive it at this tourney.
7. Linden Ballers: LB showed their final four trip during the NJ Got Game tourney wasn’t a fluke. They made it to finals of the NJ State tourney and the AC Showcase. This team has arrived.
8. Richmond Phenom: We are very interested in seeing where this squad really matches up with the rest. Hopefully they will be making the trip up north soon.
9. Showtime All Stars: The NC boys had a decent showing in AC and will be returning for the MDC in a couple of weeks. We are interesting in watching their progress during their state tourney.
10. NJ Got Game: NJGG finished 3rd in the NJ State Tourney. Right now they seem to be at a crossroad in terms of being a high level 13U squad.