The 11U Rankings have a new #1 team. The AC showcase gave us a chance to really see more of the top teams in the region. Here’s our 11U Regional Top 10. Please remember these rankings are only our opinion and should be taken as such.
Basketball Spotlight 11U Top 10 Presented By AGame Apparel
1. F.A.C.E.S.: The Killer Bees came to Atlantic City on a mission and left with the banner. In the finals they defeated then #1 Team Battle in an overtime classic. Something tells me this rivalry is far from over.
2. Team Battle: TB’s chances of winning all four Spotlight tournaments fell short in AC. They battled F.A.C.E.S. to the end and will have a chance for revenge when the state tourney rolls around.
3. CT Elite: CT got a big jump because I like the way they battled through their tough pool and made it to the final four. Their guard play is tremendous and they know how to win.
4. Team Nelson: TN made it to the quarterfinals of the AC Showcase and probably would have gone further if their two studs didn’t get hurt. We will see them this weekend at the AGame Super Shootout.
5. Playtime Panthers: Playtime also made it to the quarterfinals of the AC Showcase. I like this group and can’t wait to see them in the NJ State tourney.
6. Team World Elite: This squad also made a splash in AC. The made a quarterfinal run and had some big highlights along the way.
7. Delaware Royalty: DR didn’t make the trip to AC but we will see them this weekend in Philly. They seem like the favorite to win it all.
8. Philly Triple Threat: PTT will have another chance to show a how tough they are. We will see them at the AGame Super Shootout.
9. CBC: These boys caused a lot of noise and made it to the semifinals. They have a talented bunch.
10. Team Final: TF will also be at the AGame Shootout. This will give us another chance to check them out.