Hello Basketball World,
It has been a minute since my last entry, being that AAU has not started yet. I have been doing a lot of the same things like training, school work and going to high school games. Because I’ve been doing these same things, I have given my self-time to space out my entries so I can put weekly input once AAU starts. I have been doing different things to prepare for the start of our long season ahead. I have been working out, to get physically stronger because this year I will be playing 15u. I have also been playing a few middle school games, mostly for fun. I have also been evaluating different high schools as my 8th grade year slowly comes to an end. As far as the decisions go, what I have done is eliminated the schools I will not be attending. I will not be going to boarding school, I am not ready to leave home for the next four years and not see my friends and family. I have also eliminated schools that do not fit my basketball style, some of my AAU teammates have gone to other schools that they aren’t happy with. They can’t wait to get back to AAU and the family we have throughout our team. There is one school that jumps out at me from the coaches, to players, to family base but I promised to look at other schools holding my final decision off until June.
At the beginning of the month I saw Paramus Catholic play against Old Tappan at home, this game was close and went down to the wire. It went into overtime with PC winning by 6. This week I went to the Bergen County Jamboree championship between Paramus Catholic and Bergen Catholic. This was a hard fought battle by both teams and was close until the fourth. Bergen lived and died by their 3, it’s hard to get a win over a fast break centered Paramus Catholic Offense. PC also showed good strength on the defensive end, stopping BC’s penetration forcing them to shoot 3’s. Although PC struggled a bit rebounding, their high-powered offense allowed them to get in the lane, they also knocked down key free throws during crunch time securing their championship. They came out victorious and were crowned Bergen County Champs. Before the game I was able to walk in with Paramus Catholic, which was cool. I want send a special shootout to Coach Barnes, Coach Mack and the whole squad down at PC, they showed a lot of love. For now, I would like concentrate on finishing my 8th grade year strong and preparing for the up-coming AAU season.
Young One Out…It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. ~Roy Disney