Dave Gates is one of the youngest coaches on the AAU Circuit. I remember Gates during his days with Riverside Hawks and the upbeat skipper was never at a loss of words. Now he has moved over to Team Scan while still employing the same coaching style and unique personality. We decided to talk to Dave and get his take on important issues within the AAU culture. Welcome to Coach's Corner!
BS: How did you end up at Team Scan?
DG: Well after I left Riverside I interviewed with about 4 programs in NY trying to find the right fit. Mike Richardson from Team Scan gave me a call and told me he had the perfect program for me. After interviewing with Scan I liked what the program offered and felt it was the spot for me.
BS: What happened at Riverside?
DG: I didn’t like the direction the program was heading in. My director wanted me to take a step back while I felt I should be taking two steps ahead. So it was time for me to go.
BS: You have an in your face coaching style. Why did you adopt that style?
DG: When I was growing up I played for J.R. at Riverside and Coach Wee at the Gauchos. Both coaches used the same technique and it made me play harder. I use this approach with my players because it keeps them in the fire. They play hard when they know they are being held accountable for mistakes.
BS: What do you feel about players switching teams?
DG: As a coach I feel it’s the nature of the beast. Some people might feel I over recruit but I think it’s always a parent’s decision. Parents are the ones that move their kids. Parents are the ones that take them to games and practices so the final decisions belongs to them.
BS: How do you feel about teams using ineligible players?
DG: Well I think it’s because coaches want to win so badly. It’s a lot of pressure on the coaches to win. The parents are also involved because if a coach is lying about a kid’s age then 9 times out of 10 the parents know they are lying and giving him the OK.
BS: What is your goal with Team Scan?
DG: To win games, develop players and send my players to good high schools.
BS: Every team has a few teams they really want to play. Who’s on your hit list?
DG: We want to be the hottest team on the circuit so everyone’s on our list. I hope we are on their list also.
BS: Okay thanks Dave.
DG: No, Thank You Mike