Hello Basketball World,
First off I want to wish everybody a happy new years. This week was good; it was my first week back to school after our 2-week break. The first week of break I was sick and the second week I worked out a little bit, hung out with friends and went to a few Christmas tournaments. During the week I had 3 practices with my school team which is always fun. This week I also went to a few high school games. Tuesday I saw Dwight Englewood verses Ridgefield that ended in a blowout going to Dwight. A few of my friends and AAU teammates where playing in this game.
As I go to the different high school games and watch these teams I find it even more difficult for me to picture myself at these schools. I was hoping by now I would have a clearer cut picture as to where I would play high school ball but after watching some of these teams they just might not be a fit for me. Thursday I was planning to go to Paramus Catholic to watch them play Highlands, which would have been a good one, but I choose to stay home to study for a test I had on Friday. I plan on going to see Paramus Catholic this week, as they are one of my top choices for next year. Friday was good, after school I was with a few of my friends before I went to Dwight Englewood to see them play Bogotá High School, like the previous one this game started out good until about the 3rd when it escalated into another blowout. Saturday I stood home and relaxed and got homework done.
Sunday I went to my AAU coaches’ house to hangout with his son, my teammate and friend Keion Osbourne, we spent a good part of the night hanging out and talking about the overall high school experience. Keion plays varsity as a freshman at Dwight Englewood but doesn’t receive the playing time he deserves. Our conversation also showed that coaches will say anything to get you into there schools but once your actually there it can be totally different. Therefore, I wish and was hoping that by now I would now where I am going or want to go to high school but it is almost as if I am only on square one with this big decision I still have to make.
Young One Out.