Hey world this is your boy Champ coming to you with some highlights from my week. This week was fun. Tuesday I watched my brother play. Thursday my school team played an undefeated Mariner Middle. Sunday I had a great workout with Old School Sports and finally on Monday MLK day my AAU team DC Assault Gold 14U had our first two games of the season.
Tuesday, I finally got a chance to get to watch one of my brother James basketball games. They traveled to play Seaford High School who is in second place in their conference. Seaford surprised me during the pregame because they walked out the locker room instead of running like most teams do. They also took time to grit on every player on my brother’s team. They let my brother’s team know they were getting ready to go hard and I liked it. They started the game with guns blazing as they opened up a quick lead by shooting a super high 90% from the field in the 1st quarter. Seaford was up by 12 in the second when the coach put my brother the freshman in the game. James got in the game and made an impact with his tough defense and high intensity. Polytech my brothers school came back to win the game by 7pts.
Thursday, my team traveled to Mariner Middle to face an undefeated Mariner Middle School team. Going into another teams gym is always tough but we were prepared to go to war. My teammates and I want to be the first undefeated team for our coach in his 9 yrs at the school. And I didn’t get the nickname Champ by shying away from the big games I was hyped up. The game started out tough as we traded baskets in the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter. We went in to the locker room with a 6-point lead at the half. Coach made some adjustments and we vowed to go hard and get the job done. We came out and went on a 20-0 run to break them and walked out of their gym with a 56-32 victory. I finished the game with 26 pts, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, and 4 steals.
Sunday and Monday were good. Sunday my man Eric and I put in some work at Old School Sports workout. I like going to these workouts cause Mr. Mike always challenges me, he doesn’t give me a chance to take breaks. One thing I’ve learned about working out with older boys is everything is earned. Monday we played two AAU games in a row. First we played Baltimore Elite and we jumped right on them and beat them 66-36. It was good to get back into AAU action; the pace of the game is faster than my middle school games. Since we hadn’t practiced or worked out with the team for a while it took me a bit to get it cranked up. I finished the game with 10pts, 4rebounds, 4 assists, and 2 steals. In the second game we played a team called Men with Vision we defeated them 51-23. So we are off to a 2-0 start, last year we finished 46-4. I finished the game with 15pts, 4 rebounds, and 4 assists. The great achievement for me in this game was I created my first 5 count at the AAU level and it felt good. As much as I like to score didn’t realize how good it would feel to get a 5 count. I was pumped!!! Staying in front and moving your feet is good work. Well that’s it for this week of my highlights, check in next week for the diary of a baller.
Champ Out!!!!