Hey world its your boy Champ. This week was really exciting for me. Practice for the middle school team got a lot more intense. I took my first visit to one of the 3 prep schools I am interested in. I worked out with some of the high school ballers in DE and we had our first middle school game.
On Monday me and my team turned it up a bit in practice in preparation for our first game this week. We started getting after the second team and working hard. Coach turned it up too as we started to run more and his voice got more intense than before. We ran for everything and every drill was full of conditioning. I love it and eat this stuff up. We are ready for war and hope our opponent Chipman Middle come ready. My former AAU teammate Quantez Harris who is ranked 6th in the state told my brother he gone a get with me. It's all good though cause we aighht off the court.
On Wednesday I took a official visit to one of my final 3 choices and had a great time. When we got there coach had his best player there to show me the school I was surprised to see him. I must admit it was a good look to me. I went to class with him all day, they treated me well and were very friendly. For lunch I had a couple of cheesesteaks, gatorade, and water. After school was over I got to watch a little bit of there practice and then my parents picked me up.
On Sunday I went to a workout in Wilmington DE with Old School Sports. It was good, I was the only 8th grader there, most of the players there where in high school. We started with dribbling drills, then we worked our core, did some shooting drills, and finished with running a few games.
Finally Monday we had our first game in our new gym against Chipman. I was the first person to ever score a basket at the new Central Middle gym. We defeated my boy and his squad 61-26, I finished the game with 19pts, 7 rbds, 3 assts, and 3 blks. The good thing is that everyone got to play. We play Fifer Middle on Thursday and I am looking for revenge as they defeated us last year. Hopefully we can get some bump from them. That's the week of this baller check back next week for results from the game.
Champ Out !!!