Hey basketball world, Young One checking in.
Monday was Columbus Day, and a good day for me, there was no school and I was able to both relax at home and work out at one of the high schools I am considering. This workout contained everything from shooting drills to running steps around the campus. This was a great workout because I worked on my game and there was a significant emphasis on my cardio. My teammates and friends (Wes Dickinson, Zack Hodges, Christian Orozco and Keion Osbourne) and I pushed each other till the last second. Tuesday and Wednesday I woke up early and studied for an upcoming school tests. I was not able to get much basketball in while I was studying for the ISEE test that I have to take in December.
On Wednesday, I also had the pleasure of meeting the Admissions Director of Blair Academy, Mr. Ryan Pagotto and he discussed the academic structure and student life at Blair. Based on the conversation between him and I, Blair has top notch education with a strong basketball team making Blair very appealing. Blair has moved up on the list of schools I am considering. This is very helpful because every couple weeks my school has different admissions directors visiting our school. They talk to us about how their schools are organized. Also this week Hoop Scoop released a list of top players being nationally ranked in my class. I was not on the list; I have missed all of the Hoop Group camps where my play can be displayed. I will be looking forward to competing against the top players in my class and for sure at the Adidas Phenom camp this upcoming June. I would like to congratulate all the players featured on this list including my Team Scan teammate Shavar Newkirk and congrats to Anthony “Champ” Mosely.
Thursday has grown to be my favorite day of the week by far, it was great for me. After school I came home and finished up my home work in preparing for my 9:00 game with one of the high schools on my list. I had a good shooting day going three for five from beyond the arch with a few inside baskets. I finished the games with 13 points, six assists and five rebounds in our victory. We were up 15 but only having six players to their 12 let up a bit and they came back. In the end my teammates made some clutch free throws and we won by one. Friday and Saturday I relaxed at home while studying. Sunday I woke up early to take a practice exam for the ISEE in NYC. After the three hour exam I headed straight to the gym for a workout with my shooting Coach Donald Hennie at City Sports in Englwood NJ. A special thanks to Jee Yoo for the gym time.
Young One…Out.