Josh Smith Gym Rat Highlights
The Gym Rat Midnight Madness will be returning again this fall. The Ultimate Showcase has featured some of the top players in the world. The alumni include Kobe Bryant, Tracy McGrady and most recently Tyreke Evans to name a few. Over 50 NBA players have participated in this event when they were younger.
This year Basketball Spotlight will once again kick off its coverage season with a trip to this event. Don’t miss your chance to register and get discovered. The young divisions include 5th Grade Thru 8th Grade.
Date: Saturday (September 26, 2009)
Place: Eastern High School (Voorhees, NJ)
Time: 12:00 PM To Midnight
Cost: $75 (Includes Full Uniform)
To Register Contact
Vince Jackson at vjackson@gymratmidnightmadness.org or (856)-383-2798
For Information visit Gymratmidnightmadness.org