If you are entering 9th Grade or below this is the place for you! Hoop Group Skills Camp JR ELITE WEEKENDS returns June 6-7. Join us at our camp group in the Poconos located right across the NJ border in PA. This weekend will feature the best rising 6th-9th graders from across the east coast. Players will compete in games where they can showcase their talent to the Hoop Group and National Recruiting Report to try and get recognized early. Write ups from the weekend will be up on hoopgroup.com and each player will get a written evaluation from Steve Keller of the National Recruiting Report (over 350 colleges subscribe to his service).
The weekend will also feature high level instruction as the players will be learning the same drills that have led former Hoop Group alums Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul, Dwight Howard, and many more to success at every level. This camp is $220 and there are discounts for coming with multiple players. Please contact Adam Turner immediately for more info at (908) 670-0839 or visit
Hoop Group Site