It's yo boy Jay Smooth
This week I returned to school after enjoying a long Easter break. On my first day back, my teachers wanted us to get back into school mode by giving us a lot of homework. The homework was easy and I completed it in time to train. If my homework is not completed, I am not permitted to train until I take care of the educational obligations. My parents must approve my work before I can consider any form of recreation. My parents believe basketball is secondary to education which I agree. I love the game so much and want to be in the NBA. As one of my boys Daniel Dingle would say, "I am not going to stop until I shake David Stern’s hand." In order for me to make this reality, I must maintain my normal training of basketball and strength training. I had several individual workouts with personal trainer Jerry Powell and with my coaches. I also had team practice with my Lightning and school team. My Lightning team is playing in the Metropolitan Regional AAU games this weekend and my school team is just working out just to keep intact.
I also attended the Jordan Classics at Madison Square Garden to watch several of my friends (Durand Scott, Omari Lawrence, Russell Smith and Kevin Parrom) play. The games were good and I enjoy watching these elite players play. During the course of these games, all I was thinking about is what I would do when I get my chance. You know your boy is going to go in.
Jay Smooth out!