Say hello to the first girl to ever grace the Basketball Spotlight website, her name is Dejane “Snoop” James and she plays for CT 300. Before you think this is a publicity stunt ask anybody that was present at the Atlantic City Showcase about her skills. James goes hard and is one of the most passionate players at this age. Her coach and father Reggie Hatchett agrees “She is the most passionate player in our program. She started playing biddy ball at 6 and hasn’t looked back” said Hatchett. Hatchett also feels her passion is a gift and a curse, “She plays so hard sometimes that she might get into foul trouble because at this level smaller players can’t withstand her physical play. So right now we are working on her controlling her play and emotions on the floor” said Reggie.
In terms of skills it’s hard to tell Dejane apart from the guys on the floor. She has a serious handle and can pull jumpers from the cheap seats. On defense she’s a constant pest and will rough up opposing rebounders or small guards entering the lane. James also suits up with the girls when playing for the Connecticut Rough Riders. Hatchett says she prefers to play with the boys though, “She looks forward to playing with the boys because it’s a challenge, last season during the Connecticut girls state tournament her team won a game 33-28 and James scored 31 of the 33 points” Hatchett finished.
Sometimes coaches embellish their players or own children’s stats and performances but after watching James rock in person I have to say her exploits seem to be on the true side. The funny thing is the look on opponents faces when she is getting busy and Hatchett also noticed it, “When we play most teams and they see her in the lay-up line they laugh and say they have a girl on their team. Opposing coaches also complain that their boys won’t play hard against a girl” said Hatchett. I have news for everybody boy who faces James! If you don’t play hard you will get embarrassed.