Matthew Johnson is known as one of the top elementary school point guards in the country. As you know point guards possess unique skills in terms of quickness, quick thinking and providing direction for their teammates. On June 2nd Johnson put all these attributes into affect but not on the court instead in a life threatening situation. Johnson’s 15 year old brother Jayson was trapped under the water of a neighbor’s pool after a swimming accident. Matthew then used quick thinking to alert the neighbors and call 911 at the same time.
When the neighbor arrived he was a former Navy attendee so he and Matthew other friend began performing CPR on Jayson. While the CPR was being performed Matthew then stayed on the phone giving driving directions to the paramedics while also running home to get his father. The CPR helped bring Jayson back to consciousness until the paramedics came to help out.
I’m happy to say Jayson was released from the hospital and is doing fine. Matthew Johnson used is true instincts to help save his brothers life and this will probably be the biggest assist he could give in his lifetime. Below a link of the story from ABC News.
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