Wassup, Its Kyle Anderson back again. Last week consisted of a lot of basketball. Let me get started on explaining what I did. The week started off tough, well not for me, but for my future high school Paterson Catholic,( PC 4 LIFE). They played St.Anthony's the number one team in the country which has at least 7 future division 1 players. Of the St Anthony players, Jio Fontan,(Fordham) is my favorite one because he turned down Big East offers because he thought it would be better to play in the Atlantic 10. I think if all the other guards on St. Ants can play Big East so can he. Also since I was 7yrs old playing with the Playaz Jio has taken care of me, probably even before I could shoot 3 pointers. I used to get picked on a lot but if Jio or Tamir Jackson were there they would always look out for me. Other division 1 players on that team are Mike Rosario (Rutgers), Travon Woodall(Pittsburg), Tashawn Taylor (Marquette) and Dominic Cheeks (undecided). Unfortunately we lost, but Paterson Catholic played tough and we only lost by 11. That's pretty good compared to other teams.
Tuesday was a day of preparation for playing next year on the high school level. I hit the punching bag and ran. My goal is to start PG next year for Paterson Catholic. The next day I rode up to Rutgers with Chris Gaston (St Benedicts) to watch St. Ants vs St. Pats. I watched the game with my main man Myles Davis (St Benedicts), my backcourt partner for both AAU teams. St. Ants won and it was a great game. Both teams played well. Thursday and Friday were my days off and I spent Friday night at my house with my best friend David and my team mates Myles Davis and Charles Oliver. We watched American Gangster.
Saturday, Myles, Charles and I had to wake up early for A Playaz workout at Seton Hall at 10am in the morning. That began A long day for me. After the workout my mom drove me to my first game of the day in Queens which was an all star game. NY vs Philly. On my team were some of the top players in NY, Lebrent Walker, Nkerium Okoro, Omar Calhoun, Deshawn Suber and Daniel Dingle. As I walked in the gym they announced "Kyle Anderson AkA 'Slow Motion' is in the building". In the game they announced me as the number 1 PG in the country. I may never be the best player ever on the court, but most important of all I'm A winner! We can check a lot of resumes on my age level, and I bet that not a lot of kids can say they have A National Championship and Las Vegas Main Event Championship. So being a winner is most important to me. I had to leave at halftime of the All Star game because I had a game in Jersey, in the 8 Is Enough League. We played the Gauchos in the semi-final and I think I played well. I had 15 pts but most importantly we got the W. The Chip was against New Heights. This was the game of the season. We were down at the half, but we came out with the W and I was awarded MVP. I've been in that league for 3 yrs and finally got A Chip. Last year we lost in the CHIP to New Heights by two at the buzzer. I went home sore and I ended the night watching UNC Vs. Duke.
Today I ended my week by going to my brother Duanne's engagement party. I had an excellent time and relaxed the whole day. Now I know Sunday starts the week but I'm starting it with Monday,LOL! Now I have Aatough week ahead with AAU starting and our first tournament next Saturday. So next week I'll fill you guys in. Til next week. LATER!!!!!!!!
> Yung..K-A